As Chair of the Board of Trustees of CSBT, I’m excited to bring news of where we’re at in supporting employees to be healthy and at work. All while making sure employers can provide best benefits within their budget.
After completing our annual Board Retreat, we asked GroupHEALTH, our administrator, to demonstrate how the work they do accomplishes CSBT’s Ends policies. When reviewing the extensive changes and acquisitions, we determined these were all aimed specifically at our Ends and best practices. Of special relevance to me was the information provided by the Disability Management Institute (DMI).
Over my many years as an Executive Director, I was always concerned that no one accomplished real disability management when supporting our employees who were off work. Well, we are finally there – employees are supported by third party professionals immediately after leaving work due to accident or illness and until they can safely return. Because GroupHEALTH has brought all aspects under the purview of DMI (initial support, adjudication, and real case management right to age 65 if necessary) we can claim, like no one else in Canada, that employers will be assured employees are properly supported while costs are controlled.
Stay safe, stay healthy.
Paul Wheeler
Chair, CSBT Board of Trustees